Monday, May 25, 2015

Some Things Just Make a Bigger Difference

There are things that are constantly changing throughout our lives. From the clothes we wear to the accessories we add. With all that being the case there are types of clothing that mean more to us than others. There are types of clothes, and designs that make us feel better about ourselves. Clothes in general is something that is used as "a custom; and further, to conserve the heat of the body, and to satisfy the claims of modesty" (Bliss). Clothes is a way to conform to what society thinks is okay, and that, in itself puts clothes in a spot where it is significant. Clothes being used to keep everyone look modest is what made it instantly significant. Clothes later moved to becoming more and significant. Creating certain types of clothing to making people feel more empowered and better about themselves. 

Professor Karen Pine stated, "Putting on different clothes creates different thoughts and mental processes" (O'Callahan). Professor Pine performed a study that proved that certain types of clothing made people feel more confident in themselves. For example wearing a super man shirt made a person believe they were stronger in contrast to if that person were not wearing the shirt. Professor Pine showed the significance of certain types of clothing and how that affected people, and they're mood and thoughts about themselves.

There is a type of fashion that makes an individual feel different about themselves, and then there are things that truly mean the world to an individual. Helene got engaged to her now husband with a ring that has been passed down in her family. She states, "Every woman who has ever worn the ring, has always stayed together. And that's a tradition will never be broken" (Helene). This ring symbolizes more than just her marriage it symbolizes the tradition. The tradition of successful marriages throughout her families lifetime. The ring is more than just the marriage, and the love. It is beyond that. It is what the marriage and the love represent. It represents years and years of excellence. generations of marriages that have succeeded, a tradition that will not end.

Personally there is one thing I wear everyday, and without this piece of jewelry, as one could call it,  I feel as if something is wrong. This is a cross that I was given Junior year of High School, at Encounter. This cross is a Marist Cross. And at first one might see me and think that I am not religious at all. Though contrary to that belief this cross, with the build in M for Marist is extremely important to me and can never be replaced. This does not only represent what I believe personally but it represents the experiences I have faced, and what I used to get out of them. It represents not only my religious beliefs but it represents me as a person. It is something that has reminded me who I am and has helped me grow personally. Being Marist, and having this cross with me at all times reminds me of what I truly believe. I have grown but I have always had a reminder of what I really believe.

The significance of clothes, and certain types of fashion is something that can be over looked by many. The thing is there are things that mean more to others. Helene had her ring, I have my cross. These things have no monetary value for the people who own them. They are representations, traditions, of what people have become, or what they want to accomplish. My necklace is not just a necklace it is a piece of me, and without this piece I would be lost.


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