Wednesday, March 12, 2014

When did fashion become a burden?

one of my most memorable dress
I can still remembering packing for my trip to Australia and my room was covered with all my clothes. I always knew I was an over packer, my motto was ‘better safe than sorry’. Those words would continue to haunt me for the rest of time in Australia. I literally packed quadruple of everything and just manage to fit into two large suitcases! I thought that fashions vary widely by country and even within a society depending on class and age. Some countries change fashion faster than others, while some have created unique fashion styles that change little over time. I did not want to be seen as unfashionable so I brought all my favorite and most expensive clothing.  

Fashion is a state of mind. A spirit, an extension of one's self. Fashion talks, it can be an understated whisper, a high-energy scream or an all knowing wink and a smile. Most of all fashion is about being comfortable with yourself, translating self-esteem into a personal style. I was going to a foreign country and I wanted people to see who I am though my clothes.  It was terrifying at first to meet new people and share personal details about myself and I needed to feel confident in my clothes. It took me couple of months to realize that I had way too many clothes because I only wore certain clothes and didn't even get the change to wear half of what I brought with me. I starting to wear a dress because it reminded of me of the first beach I ever went to in Australia. I loved how it made me feel when I first put it on. I started to wear only 2 of the 8 dresses that I brought with me. 
What it felt like with my luggage!
Then I suddenly had to travel to different part of Australia and I had to pack all of my clothes. I looked so out of place with my two massive suitcases, a handbag and a backpack! I have met people who have been living out of their backpack for two years and here I am with over 100 pounds of luggage.  My clothes is a representation of myself and I would never throw away that is part of me. So I lugged all my stuff to the airport and paid for excess luggage but it was starting to get to me. It wasn't until I had to travel the third time when I started to refer to my clothing as crap! I was sick of traveling with all this crap! I hated dragging my two massive suitcases from place to place and it became more obvious that I was only wearing half of what I brought.

How I felt after throwing away my second suitcase!
 But I was still emotionally attached to my clothes and I realize that I only have attachment to clothes that have special memories with. That’s when it finally it hit me! I don’t need all extra clothes to express who I am.  So my ultimate test and a girl’s worst nightmare happen when I was catching my international fight home and I learned that I had to pay an extra $400 for my luggage.  A year ago, I would have absolutely paid for the extra luggage but the ‘new’ me refuse to pay for my extra ‘crap’ that I was a dragging all over Australia. When I finally checked in, a sense of relief overcame me and I literally felt lighter. I no longer have unnecessary baggage and what are left are clothes that represent and express who I am! 

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