Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Dream. Inspire. Wear.

Fashion is a way for you to express yourself without speaking.  It allows you to show someone who you are.  Like Rachel Zoe said, “Style is a way to say who you are without having to speak.”  I have come to the conclusion that I express myself through having very different styles, when it comes to what I wear.  I’ve been fortunate enough to travel to places like England, France, Italy, China, Taiwan, Germany, and Poland.  From all these different places I’ve picked up many of their trends. 

            I grew up in a small town in Connecticut only 45 minutes from New York City.  When I’m home, I go to the city at least once every weekend.  There, I found myself overwhelmed by all the different fashion styles. Up until the fifth grade, my mom picked all my clothing outfits.  Sometimes I’d help her but she’d alter my outfit so it was acceptable to attend school in.  My first day of fifth grade, my mom finally let me pick out my own outfit.  I seemingly dressed to the trends, of a high -waisted skirt, a double zip Jansport backpack, and sketchers.  Since then I have always tried to dress appropriately for the occasion.  My attire usually consists of a pair of skinny jeans, an oversized shirt or sweater, and a pair of leather boots.I like to think that I am creative and the clothes I wear reflects that creative part of me. 

           I choose to buy things based on several different factors.  I enjoy looking at magazines, social media websites, and shopping at various retail stores.  I love looking at fashion blogs, Instagram, and Pinterest.  These websites help give me ideas of what I would want to buy.  When shopping, I look first, frequently comparing prices so when I do buy, I am making an informed purchase.  I am always looking for a great value.  But I always look or wait for discounts.  I love shopping at off price retailers like Ross and Tjmaxx, it’s always a treasure hunt in those stores because you never know what you’ll actually find.  The way I choose to buy things says that I am someone who enjoys expressing myself but shows that I am a bargain shopper. 

            After exploring through my fashion styles, I have come to the conclusion that I wear clothing based upon what mood I am in.  I buy clothing not just because it’s the “it” trend because I know I’ll like it and I’ll wear it.  Being able to travel the world and be immersed in different cultures has also allowed me to pick up on many different European and Asian fashion trends.  My travels, environments, and friends have all influenced what makes me, me.  I dream to become a successful leader in the future, and I’m inspired by the environment and people around me, which in turn helps me decide what types of fashion style I’d like to wear. 

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