Tuesday, March 11, 2014

My life through fashion

My Life Through Fashion 

My choices of fashion are always in a constant spin of change. Both my tastes in style 
and the current trending styles are what change my style throughout my life. 
Depending on where I am my style will be changed. 
Living about 30 minutes outside of New York City, I find myself going out to the city a lot on the weekends. As well as going to Finland every summer, I spend a lot of time in Helsinki, the capital city. I have notice through my photographs and through my own feelings that I see myself putting a lot more thought and creativity into my outfits when I am in these cities, and I many of the times wear clothing that I may not normally wear in other more low key locations such as my home town. I also find myself testing out new fashion accessories or new styles when I go out in the city. I believe that my most creative side and passion for fashion is expressed to its fullest when I go out in the city or other special places. These are the times when I wear my favorite styles and what I believe are the most fashionable looks of my style.   

On the opposite side, another location where I have noticed my style alters is when I am away at college. Since I have gone away to school I have notice myself shopping for and dressing in a way that never use to define my style. Now that I have adapted towards it I have noticed that I have become accepting of the style. This style is a lazier look, involving a lot more sweatshirts and yogas. Since I have gone away to college my workload, sleep patterns, and daily expectations have changed. These changes have affected me in ways that make me more tired and forced me to focus my efforts in different areas.
I adapt myself quickly to my surroundings through my fashion, however I believe that it just happens to me naturally not purposely. I find that the people at this school dress down a lot more than where I grew up. I never even owned my own pair of sweatpants until I came to college. Now that I am into my second year at school and I have found comfortably here. I have adapted to the people around me. So I have now started to wear less stylish clothes and wear more sweat pants and comfortable looking clothes.

When it comes to exploring fashion and choosing what to buy, there are many different methods that factor into this for me. I find myself looking on fashion pages on Instagram and Pintrest on my spare time, and getting a lot of ideas of styles and clothing pieces that I want. I also look a lot at what other people are wearing, especially when I go out on the weekends or visit cities. When I finally get to the store I look around for pieces that I like and also for clothing I have seen on the fashion pages. I never end up getting exactly what I have seen on other people or on fashion pages, but I get similar things that are a similar style and make the pieces more unique to me.

I have noticed many things after analyzing my styles and I think that I have stayed true to myself by always expressing myself through my fashion no matter what it is. Personally I feel like I express my everyday mood through my fashion. If I’m cold or tired and feel like being comfortable, I wear yoga pants or sweatshirts/pants. This look expresses my lazy and comfortable or sometimes just carefree mood. When I know I am going to have a long day, see a lot of people, or go somewhere I don’t go on a daily basis (a city/vacation) I tend to dress up more and wear more stylish clothes. This is expressing my mood of happiness and excitement, and having energy. My fashion also expresses my personality and interests in fashion. 

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