Saturday, May 3, 2014

Beautiful vs. Ugly

Very often in our culture and society people differ intensly on the feelings they hone in the case of ethics vs. aesthetics. Because many believe it is important for society's creativity and artsyness, aesthetic views have caused the ethical views to be overlooked. In todays day and age, people find the beauty out of materials and find many different ways how to make clothes and constructed objects but what is left of the natural beauty of life? The Environment is a very important aspect to consider when we argue ethics vs aesthetics because of the fact that new additions and constructions are being made every day. These constructions can be a home, stores or even farms but whatever it may be, it is taking away from the environment. Now on the other hand, many feel as though the natural land and nature is more satisfying than these materialistic objects and empty additions. Although many find it important to fight for nature and keep the beauty in life without constructing new buildings and new architecture, the technology in our day and age is new and improved which causes many to have cross feelings.

In the early bit of Romanticism, it was a time of war during the French revolution. Not only was this the case but they were involved in a huge wave of aesthetic values that were beginning to play a factor during this time period, where craftyness and artsy abilities were looked at with compassion and understanding that people were making art and objects that had style. Then in the 19th century, the realism chapter of life began causing people to want to be natural and shy away from artificially altering the ideal art and beauty of life. This realism perspective made people feel as though they wanted everything natural and true to life because real was looked at as beautiful, while fake was percieved as ugly. "Slaves to Fashion," covered a bit of information about this topic especially on the fact that people are always directed to how society molds you. Especially in the gender aspects of life, people are always being told or directed in order to how society is supposed to view people. Because the society is always changing, there are always new and improved developements, which clearly shows that the growth in aesthetics, is very high in modern society.

Although many find it unacceptable to possibly harm the environment to make beauty or materials out of the tangibles, looking at new ideas and new acknowledgments is a form of beauty. Looking at it from the other side of the spectrum, people have talents especially with artistic and creative ideas that they find they need to express. Is it unethical for them to feel they can aesthetically make beauty out of environmental materails or land? or should we look at it differently... Maybe we've been looking at the scenario the wrong way because many people find that they can use their talents to make beauty tangible. This connects to modern era because technology is taking over but beauty is also made out of growth and experience. Because many new developements, buildings and businesses are being built, this growth as a country can be viewed as beautiful. Similar to art, the world is developing for the better, many would say. This is very much a debatable concept though. How can people have such a vast range of views that apply to this matter? It is important to realize that beauty can be made from many things, it all depends on what is of your interests.

Although I may feel that ethics do play a huge role in art and creativity, in my life I feel as though I follow the aesthis approach. I feel this way because I like to find enjoyment and my happy place within life and sometimes that can only be conquered through innovation and artsy developement. I love to wear flashy clothes and bright sneakers but thats not exaclty what I mean.. I find it acceptable that individuals of this day and age want to grow as a country and develope a vast majority of technological assets that could allow the country to be strong. It is argued that this causes the environment and nature top be artificial, yes but it is also a world where people are accepted for being unique. I want to be looked at as a person who has his own views and people could never take that away. I find it extremely important for people to give their feeling and thoughts through things in life that could be thought of as creative. Without a doubt people who are involved in progressing and developing many newer innovations are very creative in their own way. Therefore, it is important for me to be able to respect the fact that they are entitling the development of the country to their name. The reason why this is so important to me is because of the fact that individuals who never step out of their shell and always stay content without trying to be inventive is too easy but for those who strive for more, surely do it because of intrinsic motivation.

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